100 Boss Kills (Medium Bosses)


We will kill 100 OSRS bosses (unless otherwise stated) from the following list on your OSRS account (NOTE: You must have the stats to do the boss + supplies). If you’re unsure if you have what’s required, please ask the live chat. If you don’t see a boss that you want completed, please contact the live chat.

If you’re an Ironman, please make sure you pay the Ironman markup at checkout. This service is not available to UIM/HCIM. We offer bulk discounts on larger amounts of KC.

  • King Black Dragon
  • Thermonuclear Smoke Devil
  • Cerberus (100 KC if you have a Hellhounds task)
  • Daganoth Kings (All three) (100 total KC)
  • Kraken
  • Giant Mole
  • Bryophyta
  • Obor
  • Thermy (on task only)
  • Demonics (100 KC)